
Filip Pavelić winner of the award “Ferdo Šišić” for best final thesis

By: CTA komunikacije
Date: 20/05/2022
Category: Press

Filip Pavelić, junior communication consultant at CTA komunikacije is the winner of Ferdo Šišić award for best final thesis in Croatia in 2020 in the field of history.

The award ceremony was held as part of the Kliofest history festival, on May 20, in the atrium of the National and University Library in Zagreb.

The final thesis called Ekološki čimbenici gladi u Srednjoj Lici u drugoj polovici 18. i početkom 19. stoljeća/ Ecological factors of famine in Central Lika in the second half of the 18th and at the beginning of the 19th century by Filip Pavelić is based on more than 1000 read source materials and contains an elaboration of a topic that has not been addressed by any professional research work yet.

Scope of the thesis exceeds the expected format

“The thesis is a meticulous analysis of the cause-and-effect relationships between the ecological characteristics of Central Lika and the demographic trends of the population in that area. In addition to this, the entire work is supported by evidently grounded quality arguments, “said Željko Holjevac, director of the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, during the award ceremony.

Filip’s work is the result of many years of research into the ecological and economic factors of famine in the observed period. In addition to a number of contemporary narrative sources, the paper analyses the registers of baptisms, marriages and deaths in 9 Catholic parishes and 9 Orthodox parishes in the area from Perušić in the north-east to Lovinac in the south-west in the period from 1740 to 1858.

The paper is essentially eco historical in nature and observes the interrelationships of people and the environment over a given period of time, but also relies heavily on the methods of historic demography and economic history, with a comprehensive statistical analysis.

Its scope greatly exceeds the expected format of a thesis and thematically and methodologically represents the basis for various further research. According to Filip, great credit for this work goes to his mentor Hrvoje Petrić, PhD, of the Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb.

Different professions contribute to a better functioning of CTA komunikacije

Even if the topic itself is not related to public relations and the communication profession, the methods Philip used in his research and drafting of the thesis are most certainly  applicable in the profession.

In-depth analysis of clients that allow us to reach key messages and the public, as well as the application of cause-and-effect relationships that lead us to understand the specific challenges of individual clients, are some of the skills that allow Filip to add value to our communication strategies.

Part of the CTA team: Ana-Marija Crnica, Gordan Turković, Filip Pavelić, Petar Tanta, Valentina Mezdić, Nina Sivić-Cug
Part of the CTA team: Ana-Marija Crnica, Gordan Turković, Filip Pavelić, Petar Tanta, Valentina Mezdić, Nina Sivić-Cug

When we combine these with his writing ability, communication thinking and knowledge of various digital tools, it is clear why we are happy to have Filip as part of the CTA communications team. We are glad to see how different professions can contribute to the company, and ultimately to the profession.

We wish Filip a lot of success, both in his business career in CTA communications, and in his academic career which he promised to continue!

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