Creativity and the power of symbolism are the main features of the project “The Last Snowman”, which was presented by the members of the CTA komunikacije team, Valentina Mezdić and Lara Paša, at the finale of the Young Lions Croatia competition “Into the Lion’s Den” at the Communications Days in Rovinj. Their campaign for client Protect Our Winters (POW) earned a prestigious third place in the PR category from the expert jury.
“Research shows that in just 80 years we could have the first generation of children who will not experience real snow, even in mountainous areas. We wondered what people would do if they knew they had just one remaining snowy season. Would you build a snowman? That’s how the idea started, while the rest came down to effectively using communication tools and techniques”, said Valentina Mezdić, communication consultant at CTA komunikacije.
Bronze project: The Last Snowman
Relying on the ultimate symbol of childhood spent in snowy landscapes, the campaign encourages today’s generations to save a snowman and, in doing so, give someone the childhood they had. A play on words creates the slogan: Build a snowman, build a childhood.
“As the central event of the campaign, an activation in front of the European Parliament in Brussels was designed, where 80 paper snowmen will be placed as a symbol of the remaining winters. By counting down 80 minutes, one snowman will be removed every minute until only the last one remains – The Last Snowman,” explained Lara Paša, communication assistant at CTA komunikacije.
The Young Lions Croatia competition gathers young professionals under 30, who in the two-member team must devise and present a creative solution for a client within 24 hours. The competition is of a charitable nature, as the brief comes from a non-profit humanitarian organization or a civil society organization, which receives all the competition solutions.